Making an appointment
Appointments can be made by calling the secretary at either of the rooms (Ahmed Al Kadi Private Hospital or Durban Medical Centre). No referral is necessary to make an appointment, but please remember that certain medical aids do not cover direct appointments with specialists, and may not reimburse you. Liaise directly with your medical aid in this regard.
How does payment work?
- We aim to be open and honest about all aspects of the consultation including diagnosis, treatment and the cost thereof so please do not hesitate to ask should you require any additional information.
- Each medical aid has their own ‘scheme rate’ based on the previously used NHRPL or National Health Reference Price List. In July 2010, Acting Judge Ebersohn of the North Gauteng High Court judged the RPL to be ‘unreasonably low’ with health care practitioners not able to cover their costs at this rate and it was therefore set aside. Practitioners are thus allowed to set there own rates, within reason.
- As such, there will almost always be a difference between the costs involved and what your medical aid is prepared to cover, especially when it comes to surgery.
- The account remains your personal responsibility and must be settled with the practice as detailed below after which you may approach your medical aid for reimbursement.
- Consultation fees are payable on the day of appointment and rates are available from the receptionists. We accept cash (preferred) and major credit/debit cards. A payment receipt will be provided so that you may claim the medical aid rate portion of the consultation. Emergency or after hours consultations will be subject to an additional fee.
- NOTE: The consultation fee is only for the appointment itself ie history, basic examination & diagnosis. Any procedures required to make the diagnosis, including but not limited to, ultrasound, uroflowmetry, flexible cystoscopy, wound care etc, are chargeable separately (see below). These will be charged to the medical aid if applicable. In the event the medical aid rejects the claim for whatever reason, the patient is liable for these charges.
Office Procedures/Investigations
In-office procedures/ investigations carry an additional fee, ranging from R400 to R1000. The commonest of these is uroflowmetry and ultrasound, which costs R1000. Where a combination of procedures is done, the total (excluding the consult fee) will not exceed R1000.Surgery
An estimate of the total cost will be provided before scheduling surgery. Discovery Health members on Classic and Executive options enjoy full cover for surgery. Other medical aids (including Discovery Essential) may have a “co-payment”, which is for the patient’s account. Fifty percent of this co-payment is payable upfront, with the remainder due a maximum of 7 days after the surgery. Fees for other health professionals, such as anaesthetists and physicians, as well as hospital fees, are charged separately by the relevant entities.
Remuneration Guideline
- All medical aids are accepted.
- The practice aims to provide a quality, and not a quantity driven service.
- This is just a guideline. All accounts will be generated on an individual basis, considering time and skill required.
- Please email the practice for Terms and Conditions including the current billing policy.