Female Incontinence is a condition in which urine is released involuntarily during physical activity, such as heavy lifting, coughing and laughing. It occurs when the pelvic muscles that support the bladder and control urination weaken as a result of age, childbirth or injury. There are a number of surgical options available, and Dr Singh will recommend the most suitable option based on the individual patients' symptoms.
One of the most common surgeries for the treatment of Female Incontinence is the vaginal sling procedure, during which a support structure is made from synthetic materials and placed around the urethra. The sling helps to keep the urethra closed and prevents unwanted leaking
You will be placed under general anaesthesia or spinal anaesthesia to prohibit pain during the procedure. Dr Singh will insert a catheter into your bladder to drain urine.
During the surgery, Dr Singh will make a small incision inside your vagina and also make another additional incision in your abdomen just above the pubic bone, or on each side of the labia. He will then create a sling from a strip of tissue or synthetic material and insert it and pass it under the urethra and bladder to attach it around your urethra with or without stitches. The sling is attached to the urethra to support it and helps keep it closed, especially when you cough or sneeze, preventing you from leaking urine.
After a vaginal sling procedure, you may feel pain for a few days or weeks. You may also have to remain in hospital overnight for monitoring and evaluation purposes. Additionally, a catheter may be inserted to help drain urine until you heal. After being discharged, you should refrain from doing strenuous activities and exercises until Dr Singh gives you the go-ahead.