While pursuing his undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT), he won numerous awards for undergraduate research, including an award for groundbreaking research pertaining to Antiretroviral therapy when it was first rolled out in South Africa.
In 2012, Dr Singh commenced postgraduate training as a registrar in the Department of General Surgery at King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban and was accepted into the Registrar programme for Urologists at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital, KwaZulu-Natal.
During his post graduate training, Dr Singh developed a special interest in Uro-Oncology and Prostate Cancer, and found the need to conduct further research in this area, given the high prevalence of advanced Prostate Cancer that he was exposed to at St Aidans Hospital.
Dr Singh undertook a study into Waiting times for Prostate Cancer in KZN, which won him the prestigious Wismed Award for the most innovative research presentation by a young Urologist in 2014, in Camps Bay, Cape Town, at the South African Urological Association (SAUA) Biennial Congress.
In 2015, his success was further compounded by him having his research paper based on his Masters studies published in the esteemed South African Medical Journal.
During his registrar time Dr Singh attended and presented at many national and international congresses and meetings including the The Société Internationale d'Urologie in Glasgow and was the only African resident to be accepted and attend the intensive European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) in Prague, Czech Republic.
In 2016, Dr Kiran Singh successfully qualified as a Specialist Urologist and registered with the Health Professionals Council as an Independent Specialist Practitioner, completing his training in the minimum required time. Dr Singh was the first registrar in the Durban complex of training to complete both the Fellowship of the College of Urologist's (FCUrol) and Master of Medicine (MMed(Urol)) within 4 years.
He served as a Consultant Specialist Urologist at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital from 2016 to 2019.
He now consults as a private Urologist at Durban Medical Centre and Ahmed Al Kadi Private Hospital.
He has admission and theatre rights at a number of private hospitals in and around Durban.
As an active member of the European Association of Urology Dr Singh continues to keep up to date and strive to bring his patients the best possible evidence-based care.

While pursuing his undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Town (UCT), he won numerous awards for undergraduate research, including an award for groundbreaking research pertaining to Antiretroviral therapy when it was first rolled out in South Africa.
In 2012, Dr Singh commenced postgraduate training as a registrar in the Department of General Surgery at King Edward VIII Hospital in Durban and was accepted into the Registrar programme for Urologists at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital, KwaZulu-Natal.
During his post graduate training, Dr Singh developed a special interest in Uro-Oncology and Prostrate Cancer, and found the need to conduct further research in this area, given the high prevalence of advanced Prostate Cancer that he was exposed to at St Aidans Hospital.
Dr Singh undertook a study into Waiting times for Prostate Cancer in KZN, which won him the prestigious Wismed Award for the most innovative research presentation by a young Urologist in 2014, in Camps Bay, Cape Town, at the South African Urological Association (SAUA) Biennial Congress.
In 2015, his success was further compounded by him having his research paper based on his Masters studies published in the esteemed South African Medical Journal.
During his registrar time Dr Singh attended and presented at many national and international congresses and meetings including the The Société Internationale d'Urologie in Glasgow and was the only African resident to be accepted and attend the intensive European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP) in Prague, Czech Republic.
In 2016, Dr Kiran Singh successfully qualified as a Specialist Urologist and registered with the Health Professionals Council as an Independent Specialist Practitioner, completing his training in the minimum required time. Dr Singh was the first registrar in the Durban complex of training to complete both the Fellowship of the College of Urologist's (FCUrol) and Master of Medicine (MMed(Urol)) within 4 years.
He served as a Consultant Specialist Urologist at Inkosi Albert Luthuli Hospital from 2016 to 2019.
He now consults as a private Urologist at Durban Medical Centre and Ahmed Al Kadi Private Hospital.
He has admission and theatre rights at a number of private hospitals in and around Durban.
As an active member of the European Association of Urology Dr Singh continues to keep up to date and strive to bring his patients the best possible evidence-based care.