Circumcision refers to the surgical removal of the foreskin from the end of the penis. The procedure may be performed on adults to treat a number of conditions, including phimosis (in which the tip of the foreskin is narrowed) and balanoposthitis (in which the foreskin and glans become inflamed). The procedure may also be performed for personal, religious, or cosmetic reasons. Dr Singh typically makes use of the sleeve method, a procedure which involves removing the foreskin from its retracted position. It generally takes around 10 days to recover from circumcision, and normal physical activity can be resumed after this time. It can take up to six weeks before sexual activity can be resumed.
During the procedure, Dr Singh will cleanse the penis and surrounding area and then an anesthetic will be injected on the base of the penis or it will be applied to the penis as a cream. A surgical clamp or plastic ring will be attached to the penis and the foreskin will be removed. Dr Singh will cover the penis with an ointment such as a topical antibiotic or petroleum jelly and wrapped loosely with gauze.
After the procedure, you or your child may feel some pain on your penis and the penis might be swollen or bruised and red. There might a small amount of yellow fluid on the tip of the penis. If Dr Singh placed a plastic ring instead of a bandage, the plastic ring will drop off on its own in a week or so. When the penis has healed, you may begin to wash it with soap and water during your normal bath. It usually takes 7 to 10 day for the healing process. For newborns or small babies, change the bandage everytime you change his diaper and also apply petroleum jelly to the tip of the penis to avoid it sticking to the diaper.