Orchiectomy is a procedure in which one or both testicles are surgically removed. Dr Singh may recommend the procedure if you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer.
There are a number of types of orchiectomy. A simple Orchiectomy procedure involves the removal of one or both testicles through a small incision in the scrotum, while a radical inguinal orchiectomy refers to a procedure in which the testicles are removed through an incision in the lower abdomen. During a subcapsular orchiectomy, Dr Singh will remove the tissue around the testicles, keeping the scrotum intact. A bilateral orchiectomy involves the removal of both testicles.
During an orchiectomy, Dr Kiran Singh will lift the penis and tape it to the abdomen. He will then make an incision on the scrotum or the area right above the pelvic bone on your lower abdomen. Dr Singh will then cut one or both of the testicles out from the surrounding tissues and vessels and remove them through the incision.
Dr Singh will use clamps to prevent your spermatic cords from gushing blood out and he then may put a prosthetic testicle to replace the one that has been removed. He will lastly cleanse the area with saline solution and stitch close the incision.
After the surgery, you will be taken to a recovery ward where you may be advised to wear a scrotal support for the next 48 hours. You will also be advised to keep an ice pack or something cold compressed on your scrotum to ease the swelling, but don’t keep it there for more than 15 minutes. You will be required to wear jockstrap or snug underwear for a few days to also help with the swelling and comfortability. Dr Kiran Singh will prescribe pain medication to ease the pain and stay away from exercising, sexual activities and lifting anything heavy for a while until you get directions from Dr Singh.